- Preference-Aligned Fertility Management as a Person-Centered Alternative to Contraceptive Use-Focused Measures
- Women's Perspectives on the Unique Benefits and Challenges of Self-Injectable Contraception: A Four-Country In-Depth Interview Study in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Conceptualizing Contraceptive Agency: A Critical Step to Enable Human Rights-Based Family Planning Programs and Measurement
- Validation of the Contraception-Focused Preference-Aligned Fertility Management Index in Uganda and Nigeria
- Development of a community-based peer-support intervention to improve contraceptive agency and diffuse self-injectable contraception in Uganda: Application of the human-centered design approach
- Adaptation of the G-NORM (Gender norms scale) in Uganda: An examination of how gender norms are associated with reproductive health decision-making
- Analyzing Fast and Slow: Combining Traditional and Qualitative Analysis to Meet Multiple Objectives of a Complex Transnational Study
- Many Cooks in the Kitchen: Iterating a Qualitative Analysis Process Across Multiple Countries, Sites, and Teams
- COVID-19 affected me greatly (sigh), imagine I’m being called a mother and yet I’m also a child”: the effect of COVID-19 on fertility management practices among women in Nairobi and Kisumu cities, Kenya
- Setbacks in continuing self-injection of DMPA-SC: a descriptive study of provider and mystery client reports on the DMPA-SC care-seeking experience in Nigeria
- Feasibility, acceptability, and potential effectiveness of a human-centered design-derived intervention to improve community health workers’ contraception outreach in rural Malawi
- How do pro-social tendencies and provider biases affect service delivery? Evidence from the rollout of self-injection of DMPA-SC in Nigeria